Talking whales, MPAs, important marine mammal areas (IMMAs) and more
I’ve been busy doing podcasts the past 2 weeks.
• with Chris Parsons, based in Washington, D.C., for Marine Mammal Science:
• with Charlie Moores, from War on Wildlife, in England:…/04/08/checking-in-erich-hoyt-…/
• with Mark Leiren-Young & Skaana in British Columbia, Canada, a 2 parter:
Mostly I talk about marine protected areas and our new tool of Important Marine Mammal Areas, or IMMAs, which we have been rolling out the past 3 years across the southern hemisphere. But I also talk about whales and other Creatures of the Deep, ants, and my collaborative work with the Far East Russia Orca Project — as well as thoughts on working under the COVID-19 restrictions and on the future.